Holy Pixalated death, Batman!
Animation went great with the music, lots of styles but holy shit that is one pixalated place I'd not wanna live in. I thought Liberty City was bad! DAMN!
Anyway decent collab with a semi-original theme.
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Holy Pixalated death, Batman!
Animation went great with the music, lots of styles but holy shit that is one pixalated place I'd not wanna live in. I thought Liberty City was bad! DAMN!
Anyway decent collab with a semi-original theme.
I agree & disagree at the same time.
1.First off, you all must be gay I suppose.
2. Gay jokes? Really? I hope you're all still in middle school or something.
3. I have to agree though most therapists are about as useful as the doctor in your flash. I've been to a few & they seem to all think that maybe a good dose of this drug or that drug will cure everything. LOLz. Therapy is a waste of time & money.
4. Very well done, decently animated, & the voice work was great too.
I think you may have taken our work the wrong way, allow me to explain...
1. This statement is more ludicrous and immature than almost anything in our entire short. We are writers, some of us professionally, and therefore we have no problems touching upon any subject matter. Nothing in our short was made to lead you into thinking any character was a representation of ourselves so your statement was pretty clearly made to both insult us and put us on the defensive right off the bat, the tactic of, forgive my saying, "a middle schooler," trust me, I spent a few years teaching middle school before I moved to L.A. to take up writing and producing. I do not mention this to insult you or put you back on the defensive, only to point out the hypocricy of your first statement therein making anyone with a slightly less stable demeanor automatically dismiss any valid points you may have made later on in your review.
2. I have already addressed this so I will paste the response here. "I will however defend the piece against your reviews accusation that it is merely a gay joke. Amongst the many jokes in this short none of them were aimed at making fun of or exploiting the gay lifestyle. In fact every "gay joke" as you would call it was more an extreme representation of how therapists often times will try and assign a textbook definition to your turmoils before actually even taking the time to know you. In fact throughout the entire short we hardly address the issue of what homosexuality is and not once do we poke fun of it as a lifestyle choice. So again, I will defend that your dumbing down of these concepts to make a point in your review may not be entirely accurate. I can see as newgrounds (and the internet in general) is a bit of a breeding ground for mindless humor that it is very easy to scan this cartoon for similar jokes and label it as such, so I can't blame you for coming out of it as you have, I just think your labeling and generalization of its themes may have been a bit hasty." You see, the jokes in this piece are not centered around making fun of the gay life style, but rather around a therapist missing the source of his patients turmoil and trying to attribute it to an overly used (as has been experienced by a few of our reviewers) claim of closeted homosexuality.
3. Having studied some psychology in the past I do believe it has its merits, but it is true that there are a number of therapists out there that do not always have your best intentions in mind, be it they are attempting to write a thesis and get it published so they try and base your problems around their thesis in order to support their ideas, or they are too willing to assign you a simple textbook answer rather than truly listen to what you are feeling and help you in a way that would matter.
4. Thank you very much for your compliments. I'm extremely happy that although you found some things disagreeable you were still able to find merit in our work. This was extremely helpful in considering your opinion as one to be taken seriously because it did not make you seem to make you an irate reviewer. Again, I can understand how you developed your conclusions about the use of the homosexual subject matter in our short, I just think you may have been a bit hasty to judge. I by no means want to belittle you or your opinions, I just think if you structured them in a more constructive manor they would come across as wantonly helpful rather than irate and ignorant (which I can tell you are not, but the way you began your review may make a less level headed person, who has spent a lot of time and effort writing and creating something, feel different.) person.
Finally I would like to thank you for your review. It is reviews, both the positive and negative that help us to grow as a group. I would encourage you to check out some of our other work to see that we are not simply the low brow humor you may have thought us to be in this short and I strongly encourage your opinion on our future work as well. Thanks again.
So I take it you're a total noob to flash? Finally finished watching a few tutorials on youtube & just wanted to share what you learned? Well I liked the music, even if it TOTALLY didn't fit the scene at all. Um mybe you ought to watch some of the tutorials all of NG b4 your next project. You don't have to get super detailed to make an EPIC flash. Case in point, All Your Base Are Belong To US. Nothing special at all in that classic aside from the concept & the cool tune. It's just a goffy intro & a slide show of a meme yet it's THE MOST EPIC FLASH of all time. Next time I suggest you take a cue from the cardboard city flash on front page right now. Use some interesting textures to make up for your lack of artistic skills. Hell, like none of the characters had eyes, & it was all colored in various cardboard textures, yet it was interesting over all even without a plot. Not Epic, but you get the point. Try harder, watch what other folks have done, learn something, apply what you learned. Nice plot for such a short flash though. Best of luck on your next one!
Dude it's madness,they dont have eyes usally!
The pics are what did it for me!
I have seriosuly seen some of those random Caturday pics with the label Such n such cat's power level is over 9000! So I couldn't help but laugh my ass off at that! Great video, kind of short, kind of reminiscent to the uber net classic Yatta Yatta video, but still very awesome non the less.
Joined on 7/6/07